Sunday, April 16, 2017

Photoshoot plan for practical work and anti-animal testing company

Have had trouble with models cancelling on me so as a back up I have chosen these licence free stock images for worst case scenario of not being able to do my own photoshoot, as using photos of real people is needed for the shock high impact of my concept most appropriate to support my shock advertising essay. The essence of my concept is that in the modern day, shocking advertising has to be slipped in to advertising for vanity or else the advertising is shunned due to negative nature. Such as the Corsodyl advert- you see a pretty woman getting ready for a night out, then the shock of seeing such a person with a front tooth missing: it shocks the watcher in to questioning the blood when they are brushing, that they need to buy Corsodyl.

Corsodyls advertising technique is perfect for my aim of the practical, luring the consumer in by their own vanity by looking like their usual favourite beauty brand but tarnishing their existing associations of feeling beautiful using loreal, mac and body shop by showcasing the result of their choices of buying from them, that they have blood on their hands. Scenes like these are mostly showed in horror films which consumers flock to see for the shock, but I want to showcase a real life horror story by buying blindly.


This brand are constantly promoting their anti-animal testing values, and are very blatant about it. I have seen so many of their totebags against animal testing in day to day which is a clever simple statement. Their campaign performance however was not so simple- showing the pain and suffering of animal testing using a human prompted many shocked discussions and was an extreme but desperate call to the consumer to recognize the reality of their choices and to simply do their research and buy from Lush and elsewhere, eradicating animal testing. They even go as far to award those who work fighting animal testing. Lush are a very admirable brand in my opinion with nothing to hide- speaking to Lush employees I know, they are very much representations of the brand. I found out about the Body Shop being bought out with proceeds going to animal testing from one of their employees, which really did surprise me due to the brands image. Perhaps assigning my shoot towards Lush's brand can be part of their few but shocking campaigns and open the eyes of customers who buy from Body Shop for similar products too.


The most high profile, international, most experienced in shocking bloody visuals in their campaigning in advert styles in which I aim to create. PeTA are known for their use of high profile celebrities for higher impact of different target audiences, and gory imagery used to shock those seeing the adverts in to showcasing their anger and the brutal truth of animal testing so that audiences look in to and think twice about buying from certain brands. The difference with mine being, mine are for specific brands. This is extreme to target brands specifically but in the long history of shocking publicity stunts and high profile shock campaigning by PeTA, this may be the ideal name to assign my images to as it echoes how PeTA have worked to raise awareness on animal testing, now from a slightly different angle. When editing I will use the latest brand logos to keep in tap with the latest look of the brands advertising and to keep in place with it's current visual stratedgies and connotations with public.

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