I plan to get more high res images in the studio and perhaps use the pink and blue concept but my main focus is on women fitting 'manly' stereotypes in a modern and stylish manner as I want to shock the old fashioned and wake them up to the modern generation y's viewpoints which I feel ties in and celebrates my essay's point alot more which is why I am going in this direction. I want the firing of empowerment of change and a more positive, accepting equal society and work in the spirit spoken about in my essay of these stereotypes being questioned in mainstream media.
To gain a variety of options for my final outcomes and to get the most effective results I asked my peers what they associate with male stereotypes I could focus on through my photography.
Drinking, domestic abuse, men's health,Gym lads,strong, confident, manly, authoritative, wise,Beards, muscles, sexist, sport loving, into cars, blue and red, gamers, smelly, hairy, no fashion sense, adulterous (cheaters), comfortable with porn but uncomfortable with sexuality, bad with emotions, never ask for help, bad at cooking, dirty, unimaginative
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