Friday, November 13, 2015

Gender Essay Ideas

So far I have looked at 3 different books focusing on gender, a few articles on ever growing dismissal of sexism in interviews/magazines and a more recent publication on solely advertising which will set my ideas in to motion as the books I were looking at were more about feminism, and I need to focus on the question in hand.

First of all I looked the popular book, 'The Beauty Myth: 1990', which was a good start as it reminded me of the basics of how women have been dominated in everything from adverts to films by men and how that has effected the way women have thought and felt throughout the decades. It was important to look at the dates the books were released as Im very conscious and interested in the rapid rise of feminism in the last decade which I want to research more.

After much note making, reading and taking pictures of key quotes from the books to reference, after a lot of confusion on what road to go down, I want to have the essay end on quite a positive note. I will discuss the basics on the discrimination of women in advertising, but I find this to be such an interesting time of women going against this so much in interviews (such as Ariana Grande and Scarlet Johansson shutting down interviewers due to sexism) and zines/magazines such as The Mushpit showing the world a different and radical angle, going against what has been the norm of perfect, preened perfection of women in magazines for the whole across all past time.

On an end note, I believe sexism will never completely die, but there are so many of us fighting back against these ideas and this will develop rapidly in future generations and the more people that do, the better world we will live in. Ofcourse, i need to see if from different perspectives, for example I am a woman who enjoys wearing makeup and clothes shopping but I do this because I enjoy it and it makes me happy, whereas I have seen arguments in the Beauty Myth for example that argue we subconsciously do this to please men, which I so disagree with!

I am glad I have finally got to the stage of knowing where to take the essay, which is why I felt ready to blog!

My scrambling of ideas over the last week of research

'This Girl Can' campaign

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