Monday, January 8, 2018

Poster illustrations and final feedback crit

These are the 3 I will screenprint using bold colours as See Red did with theirs to dramatize the message. Pink will also be experimented with each poster to fit with a recent theme of 'reclaiming pink', proudly using the 'female' colour in defiance.

The illustrations are very imperfect and tactile which is true to see red's style of illustration, and will be recreated as they would have been in the past but with messages echoing of the past which are being fought against today.

The posters support my essay in conclusion that women's issues are still being fought the same as they were, despite small progress. These are in the spirit of female collectives/groups which have recently spiked and as concluded in the essay, using 'girl power' phrases/methods overall have a positive effect despite dispute between the underground and the mainstream marketed 'girl power'.

The posters will then be photographed in art spaces, photographed being distributed in a protest manner, perhaps can set up a staged protest.
had considered creating posters that can be used as signs within these themed protests, but wanted them to relate to see red women's workshop posters as this is the starting point of my essay, bringing modern and past together in this practical.

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