Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Practical Investigation Ideas

Photographic posters defying old stereotypes of women which I can collect of other people
Gender fluidity illustrations which also defy traditional stereotypes
Placing men on overly sexualized advertisements such as American Apparel ads
switching job roles
traditional cut out doll outfits but for men and women rather than being separate pages like usual, star doll?
Woman boxer punching out stereotypes
men wearing pink/cooking/cleaning
'For Eye of the beholder only' t shirts/plastered across standardly sexualised advertisements

Maternal, domestic, reserved, thin, sit with legs crossed, have long hair, wear pink, be soft spoken, dresses, stay at home with kids

Initial aims-
Processes/strategies used and why-
literature read to inform this work-
is the work effective-
does it communicate what it should-
succesful elements-
areas that need improving or further developing-

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