Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What Is Research? Lecture

As creatives we make a synthesis; we solve problems through creative thinking, we are driven by ideas, creativity is always about; what if? However, for COP and doing essays a lot of thorough research has to take place.

Unlike how we are taught throughout our lives in schools, now comes the point where we should question and let the process drive the outcome rather than the other way round, as this is how new information is obtained. These are done through different methods of research:

-Stimulative research
-Systematic research
-Initiative research

We must use all of these in some way to collect information in varieties and experiment to make the essay as individual as possible. We must also include primary and secondary research, quantitive to give our words a solid backbone, and importantly qualitative, in which we gather from peers/friends/strangers. We need others points of views to truly understand the subject matter we are delving in to, in my case, gender.

Information is the output of meaning and knowledge, and without taking all these in to consideration the essay will be weak. Ofcourse, it has to be straight to the point and not be too balanced, as these are frustrating to read such as the gender extract source on studio- it was informative and non bias, but I want to look at all extreme ends of the spectrum to be confident i have done research right. As said in the lecture, why would we be researching if we had full knowledge of something?

I currently have the book 'The Beauty Myth' which I will take quotes from but I checked the date, and it was published in 1990, which is very dated in consideration of a large development in feminism in the last 10 years. Sources related to magazines such as 'Mushpit' which I really enjoyed reading the other day, would be modern fresh ideas to pinpoint to from older sources such as 'The Beauty Myth'.

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